Getting home when SHTF will surely get you to reconsider the maxim “there’s strength in togetherness.” After all, we all are trying to get home, yet your home that’s about the corner can become the hardest place to reach — as if you were trying to reach Antarctica in just a short & singlet.
Learning that a bomb went off downtown or that a major robbery is going on somewhere close to your neighborhood is more than enough to send you into a panic. And it’s not just you. By the time you pull your car out of your company’s park, you realize there’s an army of zombies everywhere. You all want to get home to your kids.
It is needless to say that your car is a futile means of conveyance at this time — unless you own one of James Bond’s transformational cars. But I know you don’t — as the three he left are in my garage as I speak — so let’s quickly get to the alternatives for getting home when there’s trouble in the streets.
Alternatives for Getting Home When SHTF
The beauty of prepping is that it considers every possible disaster. That’s why we emphasize that bug out routes are a part & parcel of your day-to-day life. Now, did you know you should have bug-in routes too? There should be roads you can take to get home when there appears to be none.
You should have even more than one. You need to have up to 3 at least. This assures you that you can always get home when trouble hits the streets. You can always get home to protect your kids — although this doesn’t mean you don’t prep them for incidents too.
Having figured out your contingency routes, here are transportation alternatives for your homecoming (no copyright infringement intended, Spidey!) when SHTF.
Of course, this had to be the first means of alternative conveyance, but only if you’re good at cycling, obviously. There are various bicycles to pick from, and while most would rather a road bike due to speed, I advise a mountain bike since it can go off the road & navigate plenty of other terrains.
Since you’re considering this, it may be wise to carry an emergency puncture kit with chain links in your car. Also, fold-up bikes are now available. You can always get one & take it about like it’s your birthright that Jacob can’t get.
All-terrain Vehicle
An ATV may not be allowed depending on your location, but at a time when chaos is singing the anthem, they could only do so much to stop you. I should mention too that you wouldn’t have any legal issues if you lived close to off-road tracks, but even if you don’t…
I recommend buying one with excellent engine power that makes it easier to handle several terrains. So, as you veer off the road into your bug-in routes, you’re very sure your vehicle can handle whatever it climbs.
Depending largely on your riding capacity & where you live.
It’s needless to say that your horse has to be somewhere close. However, you must be a good rider, and your horse must have been trained to withstand loud noises & crowds. Else, your back is in for some whooping.
Conclusion on Getting Home When SHTF
Getting home when SHTF does not have to be difficult if you’ve planned ahead. Work out escape routes ahead to make things quicker. If you can’t find the resources to use, you can always use your legs depending on the distance. The keynote is this: you need to get home quickly when a problem arises.